Life as a Journey

May 16, 2024 | Life as a Journey

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own understanding. Acknowledge him in all your ways, and he will make your paths straight.

Proverbs 3:5-6

5.16.2024:   I’m thinking of life as a journey, where reuniting with Jesus in the Kingdom of Heaven as the ultimate destination.

In the simplest terms I can imagine with my limited imaginings…In the Kingdom of Heaven we choose to play a game (???) with other souls who also want an intense and challenging experience, although experience seems too simple a word. It will be a journey. An intense and challenging journey that God will allow us to have. God, who loves us as a Father loves His child. And so much more than that. I can’t even begin to describe His capacity for love.  I can’t describe it because I can’t imagine or articulate it. God gifts us with this journey. So we get together with other souls/people/???. God allows us to do this life together.

We know that to enter into the journey, the world here on earth, we’ll be at the most vulnerable state a human can be in. Where we can’t take care of ourselves to survive and are dependent on other humans to care for us as we grow. We also know that we won’t remember the Kingdom of Heaven while we’re on earth. We’ll have an innate sense of God and something innate that God gives each new soul, but as we grow that innate sense will be shadowed by what life on earth consists of. We’ll learn things and have earthly experiences and feelings and thoughts… and all of the things that go along with the culture a human is born into. Some cultures are more connected to their God Spirit than others.

This journey will be full of wonderful and joyful experiences, as well as sad and even tragic experiences. Souls will have different experiences. Those experiences may be based on what they choose to do with the unique gifts and talents that God has given them, as well as what happens to them in their lives, the environment they grow up in, how they react to situations, or some other reasons that God has that I have no idea about or could even comprehend.

Because God has given us free will we can choose our innermost responses to situations that arise in our lives, good and bad. If we truly believe in the grace, goodness, mercy, and love of God. We can ask Jesus for help because we always have a connection with Him even though most of us don’t remember that we do. We have to speak to Jesus alot. We have to build a relationship with our Father so that He knows that we’re sincere about wanting Him in our lives and that we know that He knows what is best for us here on earth and that He loves us to an end that we can’t comprehend.

Think of the love, which is so much more than love, that you have for your child. Think of that times infinity. I’m guessing that’s how much God loves us, even though… what does that even mean? I can’t even comprehend it.

And Jesus knows that in the Kingdom of Heaven we chose to be a part of this journey because we WANT all of the stuff that goes along with being human… good and bad. Because our souls learn from our life here on earth and we take that back with us to the Kingdom of Heaven in some way, shape or form. Which is what we want and what God wants. I think.

We have to live our lives for God, not for ourselves (our human selves) because what God wants is what we, our souls (which is a part of God), really want. We have to remember that. We have to surrender to God’s will vs our free will because if we’re NOT being guided by God, we’re being guided by our human feelings and emotions and these are based on earthly things.  We know in our souls that these expereiences are making us stronger in our faith and love for God, and if we allow the Holy Spirit to guide our journey here on earth, our God, will guide us in a way that is better than anything we could ever imagine. EVER imagine.

God orchestrates amazing things and experiences for us, his children, that love Him as a Father, friend, brother.  He bestows amazing grace and mercy on us. That doesn’t mean that we won’t have hardship or even tragedy in our lives, but that He will always be there to remind us that we are not alone. Our souls are with God in the Kingdom of Heaven. That is where we are really from. We can reach out to God because we have the Holy Spirit in us. That is our lifeline to God.

Our purpose here on earth is to love God… however long it takes us to get there. It took me 62 years and the loss of John. That horrible nightmare experience of his sickness, his death (actually rebirth into the Kingdom of Heaven… I have to remember this) and the aftermath of his death. Too much pain to talk about today. Some other time.

Also, our purpose is to love other people. Because when we are loving to other people, we are loving to our Father. Think about it, when kids love your kids and do nice things for them… you love it. You love those people! That’s how God feels when we are loving and good to His other children.

See other people as God’s children who either are a part of God’s family by knowing the truth of Jesus, or could be. He wants them to be! Either way, being kind to them because they are also souls that are on their own journey here on earth. We all come from a place of deep love that I could never explain, but while we are here we suffer from our sins, and the burdens of just surviving in this world. Some of us find Jesus, some of us have always know him. Others are entombed in the world we live in and all of that it consists of, and are having a hard time finding their way out. Some of us, many of us, never do.

We may believe there is a god, heaven and hell. But that’s about it. If you’re good you go to heaven, if you’re really bad you go to hell. Other than the random religious info we learn throughout our lives, we really have no idea about the Kingdom of Heaven, the Bible, the Messiah, the Story… all of it, or as much as we can digest.

We’re born with a human spirit but to be a child of God we must believe in Jesus because he’s our doorway into the Kingdom of Heaven. He’s the One. if we don’t believe in Him we won’t know where the door is to get in, or we won’t have an invitation. Something. God wants His children that have learned to be like Him. He wants them in His family, in the Kingdom of Heaven. You have to believe in Jesus, follow Jesus, and commit yourself to the family of God.

God creates all of us, and wants us all to succeed in finding their way home, but not all of us do. We have to find Jesus (he’s always here with His hand out to us), but we have to find Him. That’s when you’re rescued. Thank you for rescuing me, Jesus. I’m eternally grateful that I found You. I really can’t imagine my view of life, if I hadn’t. Yes I can actually… it would be as shallow as I recognize it once was. I was always searching for You but was always looking in the wrong places and I didn’t even know it was You I was searching for. I had heard about You, kind of knew You, but didn’t think of You much. Until I found You. You heard me. You found me. I found You. I’m not sure, but I can’t even state how grateful I am that You’re in my life.

So… because God loves us so much he allows us to take a journey. A journey to a place that can be joyful and tragic… and so much more. It’s not going to be easy. It’s going to be hard sometimes. Sometimes so hard you think you’ll break with grief or sadness or pain because we all have spiritual amnesia and don’t remember that this is just a journey that our eternal lives have chosen to undertake… and we’re really somewhere else having this experience. That place is home, the Kingdom of Heaven, where God has created a loving and beautiful home for his children, so that we can be with him eternally.

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